Welcome to Rosie’s Place
Who are We?
Rosie’s Place is a counselling and support service for children, young people and families seeking freedom from violence. Both sexual assault and domestic and family violence are the most common forms of violence clients attending our service are subjected to. We provide this support through individual and family counselling. Rosie’s Place is located in Western Sydney, specifically Blacktown LGA. We are a not-for-profit organisation that sees children and young people up to the age of 18. Rosie’s Place is a registered charity and is funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice. We provide all services free of charge to the community.
National Redress Scheme
Rosie’s Place is a Redress Support provider for the National Redress Scheme. We off free and confidential support to people of all ages who experienced institutional child sexual assault. We can support anyone making or considering making an application to the scheme.
Rosie’s Place has been providing counselling and support to children and young people impacted by sexual assault for over 30 years. We can provide specialist support through the entire Redress process. We provide a holistic and multilayered practice, that that is inclusive of all victims of institutional child sexual abuse and will endeavour to ensure clients are informed of all their rights until the National Redress Scheme.
About Rosie’s Place
Our Specialist Work
Rosie’s Place provides support to families regarding child sexual assault, including support for adult family members who may have experienced child sexual assault themselves , domestic and family violence, children who display concerning sexual behaviours, and children who have witnessed other forms of violence.
How we started
In 1983 a group of women in Mt Druitt, both workers and community members, came together to increase community awareness about the prevalence of child sexual assault. From their gatherings they also advocated for the need to establish a specialist service for children, young people and family members impacted by child sexual assault.
In 1986 Rosie’s Place opened its doors to the community. At that time it was one of only four community based sexual assault services in NSW. Now more than 30 years later, the legacy of those first few meetings remains… That the safety and protection of children and young people should remain paramount in all we do.
Our Principles of Practice
Rights: Sexual assault and domestic and family violence are a fundamental violation of basic human rights, including the right to live with dignity and freedom from fear and harm.
Justice: Sexual assault and other forms of violence are criminal actions which warrant a criminal justice system response.
Responsibility: Responsibility for violence rests with the perpetrator but the prevention of violence is the responsibility of the whole community.
Safety: The safety of children and young people who experience such violence remains paramount.
Empowerment: A service response must use principles of empowerment, building on client strengths and enhancing self determination.
Access and equity: Subjection to violence crosses all classes, races, religions, ages, abilities and sexual preference. All victims are entitled to access services which are provided in a fair and equitable manner.
Rosie’s Place Publications
Rosie’s Place has developed a number of publications over the years. This has been in response to the recognised need to document the voices of children, young people and the parents/carers who come to Rosie’s Place. Beginning in 1996 with the booklet “I Have a Counsellor” our list of publications has grown to 26 publications.